


191.What did you say?你刚才说什么?

192.I can't follow you.我听不懂你的意思。

193.I beg your pardon?我请你再说一遍好吗?

194.I'm not good at English.我的英文不好。

195.I can't get my point across.无法让他明白。

196.I can't make myself understood.我表达不清楚。

197.Can you slow down, please?你能说得慢一点吗?

198.I can't speak English very well.我说不好英语。

199.Would you please repeat yourself?你能再说一遍吗?

200.What? I can't follow you.什么?我听不懂你的意思

201.What do you call this in English?英文管这叫什么?

202.Could you use an easier expression?你能表达得简单点吗?

203.I don't know how to say it in English.我不知道这个用英语怎么说。

204.My English is not very good, but I'm working on it.我英文不好,但在努力学习中。

205.I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.我不是百分百流利,但至少我在改进了。

206.Where is man's wear?男装在哪里?

207.What's on the sixth floor?6楼卖什么?

208.Is there a duty-free shop?这有免税店吗?

209.Are you open on weekends?周末你们营业吗?

210.Where is the fitting rooms?更衣室在哪儿?

211.Do you have more in stock?你有更多现货吗?

212.What floor is men's shop on?男士用品在几层?

213.Could you send me an invoice?你能给我发票吗?

214.Do you have socks here?请问你们这儿卖袜子吗?

215.I can't find the escalators.我找不到自动扶梯。

216.What are your hours?你们的营业时间是什么时候?

217.Is there a lift here, please?请问这里有电梯吗?

218.Is there a public rest room here?这里有公共厕所吗?

219.Can I have a size larger?可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?

220.I want to buy some canned tomatoes.我想买些番茄罐头。

221.Where is the biggest shopping center?哪有最大的购物中心?

222.I can point you in the right direction.我可以给您指个路。

223.Where can I find children's clothes?我在哪儿可以找到童装?

224.Does the elevator stop on the ninth floor?电梯在9楼停吗?

225.Is it going to get me loyalty points too?那会给我积分吗?

226.Do you have after-sates service here?你们这儿有售后服务吗?

227.This is the first time I've ever come here.我是第一次来这里。

228.Can you please tell me where the elevator is?请问电梯在哪里?

229.I get you 5% off on the total purchase.可以总价给你5%的优惠。

230.Could you show me something in my size?能找个我这么大号的吗?

231.Can I club it with another discount card?我能叠加另外一个折扣卡吗?

232.Excuse me, could you tell me on which floor I can buy shoes?打扰一下,请问几楼卖鞋子?

233.There are no escalators or elevators, only stairs, right?这儿没有扶梯或电梯,只有楼梯是吗? 

234.The Information Desk is at the gate. You can make inquiries there.咨询台在门口,你可以去那里问问。

235.If you find there is something wrong with your purchase, just bring it back within 30 days for an exchange or a full refund.如果您买的商品出了问题,三十天之内您可以来找换货或者全额退款。

为什么要出国留学英语口语培训,举个例子:cash back什么意思?去美国超市购物,营业员会问你cash back?这里的cash back的意思是“取钱”的服务。在美国许多地方,除了交通不方便外,取钱也是个很大的问所以大家喜欢用信用卡/提款卡消费。所以超市会问你要不要取钱,购物10块,用信用卡刷30,超市会返你20。一般刚出去美国留学的同学可能都不知道 ,所以学好出国留学英语口语太重要了。



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