在线英语听力:如何去听Native Speaker的语言

Native Speaker常用英语口语的发音是我们在日常考试中很少接触的,那么如果我们在线英语听力的过程中,遇到了这样的情况我们要如何解决呢?让我们来看看Quora上面的大神都是怎么回答的吧。


Well the most natural language acqusition method is applied by babies ,First they listen the voices around them.Then the imitation

starts.They start with basic sentences. Every moment they improve their cognitive skills which leads them to speak more fluently.


Here are the suggestions for understanding English native speakers’ accents:


1. Prosody 韵律

Listen native speakers carefully. Learn rise and falls of sentences. It will improve your accent


2.Vowels 元音

Learn where in your mouth English vowels are pronounced. It will make a huge difference in how the native listener understands you.


3. Consonants 辅音

Pay special attention to consonants.


4. TV Shows 电视节目

Pay attention to TV shows. Listen to how others pronounce words on TV.


5. Phonetic Alphabet拼音字母

Learn phonetic alphabet and get an English dictionary with IPA symbols


6. Converse with native speakers 与母语者交谈

Regular practice is the most important thing for improving the acquisition of perfect accent


7. Choose the accent选择口音

Pick the accent you want yours to sound like, and immerse yourself in a world of resources that are spoken in that accent


8. Read out to yourself 读出自己

Put your phonetic alphabet and English dictionary near to you and read a book loudly.


9. Sing some cool pop tunes 唱一些很酷的流行音乐

10. Listen formal British accent can be heard on BBC news. 听英文口音可以听BBC的消息。

11. Learn to imitate a native speaker 学会去模仿一个母语发音者




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